Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gracie is 4 Months

I cannot believe that my sweet Gracie is already 4 months. She is the best baby. Always so content, has the cutest faces, loves to suck on her hands and blow bubbles, roll over, watch daddy wherever he goes, and smile at her sister. We love you Gracie!

Gracie's 4 month stats:
Height: 26" (95%)
Weight: 14.12 (75%)
Head Cir.: 16" (25%)


Jesmyluk said...

I love that great big flower on her cute little bald head!!! She IS so sweet!! How's my "Fighting Bailey" doing? 80) As cute as ever judging by these pictures!! Great Blog Ashley!! I love reading it...check ours out anytime you want.

bematheson said...

She is so cute too, and always so calm.

Andrea said...

Hmmmm... I'm pretty sure that we are really lame for not getting together for zoo day while it wasn't hot!I know, it's my fault! I would really like to meet this little gal! She's very cute, love the flower! I don't even really like bows anymore! Flowers rule and bows drule! Jk.... my girls wear plenty of bows too. Tell Alisha I'm so happy for her to get married!!