Monday, July 14, 2008

My Girls: Sisters

I love these girls so much. As crazy as they make me at times. With Bailey's "she was mean" reports in nursery (which I am stressing about by the way), and Gracie's recent extreme attachment I would not trade these two for the world. I still think sometimes what it would be like without either of these two and I know life would not be near as good. Lately Bailey has taken much more interest in Gracie and it is so fun to watch. I think Bailey can make Gracie laugh more than any of us. I feel so blessed to have the family that I do. It is amazing how two little lives can change you so much.
I am so happy they have each other as sisters. With four sisters myself the greatest wish I could have wished for my girls would be to have a sister. I know my life would not be the same if I didn't have the sisters I have. I am looking forward to the many "dress ups", "tea parties", "House", and all that sisters have to offer.
I love you my sweet girls!

PS And if anyone has tips about how to get through a hitting/pushing/pulling hair for no real reason phase, they would be much appreciated:)


bematheson said...

Oh I love your girls, they are so so so cute! And at least Bailey doesn't scream for the full two hours of nursery like Jack.. I wish i knew how to get rid of the hitting and stuff cause Jack could use a lesson in it too...

Jesmyluk said...

I thought Miss Bailey was getting better. What happened? Well anyway she and her baby sister are cute as can be.

Addie Gaylord said...

Ashley, That was a great post. I totally am feeling ya on the sister thing. It's funny because (and I am sure you know what I am talking about) we fought all the time and now my sisters are absolutely my best friends in the world. My mom used to throw her hands up and say, "What did I do wrong to make you act like that to each other?"
Bailey will be fine, it's a stage and she will be over it in no time.

Kirsten said...

Whenever Dallan or his sibs hit/bit/kicked/slapped, whatever, his mom would say, "go ahead and bit me, but I'll bite back and i'll bit harder". The boys totally tried it out and she did what she said she'd do and they NEVER had problems with it again. Don't know if you'd go to prison for that today, but there you go...

The girls are way too cute. Say hello to Aaron for us!

Andrea said...

Aaahh... sweet little post. I totally agree. If I'm going to have all of the same, I'm glad it's girls because they'll always have eachother... (ok, ok, AND girls tend to stay close to their mama's too!) I just think I would be so sad to have my boys all grow up and just be gone and have a new woman of their lives!! Don't get me wrong... I WANT a BOY!! I said it, I WANT ONE!!!......... BUT, I do, do, do, LOVE girls and sisters!! I think of you and your sisters relationships often. It is so sweet to have eachother. My... I'm just rambling off on this subject aren't I???
ANYWHO... flowers.... I just get them at JoAnn's or Michael's. Sometimes you can find good ones, and other times not so much. WHEN we GET TOGETHER.... we should make some! ;)

Taralee said...

Well, your girls are the cutest...even with their little faults! As for the pulling/hitting thing...just be patient. You are a good mom! She'll grow out of it...hopefully! I'm not really sure though cause mine is only 1. I'm sure I'll know all about it in a few years.

Taralee said...

OH and ASH, if you know what Andrea's email or something is you should tell her to add me to her blog list. I want to see her and her family. My email is


jes said...

this made me want a girl even more!! i just LOVE my boys, and would never, ever, ever trade them. but i hope HOPE hope i have a girl thrown somewhere in the mix!
breck can just loook at merr and have him cracking up! i love seeing them interact! i also love being a mom!

jes said...

ps-love the header! how do you do things like that!?

Tyler & Amber Nimmer said...

I haven't seen you guys for a while. Cute family! I'm one of Aaron's friends by the way. I was a mission companion of his. Tell him I said hi!

Farnsworth Family said...

Okay, first off your page is sooooo cute! You must have loved making it. It's so fun when they start to play with eachother. For the longest time Dra wanted nothing to do with Seth but know like you said is the only one that can make Seth smile the way he does. Anyway when you get up here give me a call and I will come visit you. It will be so much fun. You better call.

Brooke said...

What cute cute fun to have two girls so close together. I just love haging out with my sisters...they'll have so much fun when they are older!! Hey Cody said Bailey did so good in nursery on Sunday!! Woo hoo :o)