Thursday, March 27, 2008

6 Weeks

My Gracie is 6 weeks old today. It seems like she has always been apart of our family ,it is hard to believe she is only 6 weeks old... she is still just a little tiny girl. I love this baby so much, and I am so glad she is ours!


Herbert Family said...

She is so Cute!

Addie Gaylord said...

What a cute little girl! I wish I could do the girlie things like bows and headbands. Isn't crazy we're moms?

jes said...

i can't believe it's been 6 weeks already.. time just flies!

Taralee said...

Gracie is so dang cute. 6 weeks huh? Her little bow is so cute. I agree with Addie...bows, pink, and ribbons and what not would be a nice change from dump trucks, blue, bald heads! :)
I want to hold Gracie. I love little itty bitty babies and how they just lay there....oh the days.
Oh and I love the pic at the top of her and Bailey. Bailey looks like a little doll in her polka dress. SO CUTE.

Brooke said...

6 weeks?? Wow! She is so, so sweet!

Caitlin said...

I am just dying to have a little girl! I think because I am in the terrible twos with a red headed monster! But she is a dolly! Youre so lucky.